Dr Maria Mbatudde is currently a Lecturer in the Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Kyambogo University.
She possesses a PhD in Botany with a specialisation in Plant ecology, Plant distributions and Climate change modeling, Plant population genetics, Plant Taxonomy from Makerere University, Country.
Talk more about your specialisation and potentials…
Area of speciality:
Plant Ecology, Plant Distributions and Climate change modeling, Plant Population genetics, Plant Taxonomy, GIS Expert .
Research Interests
Climate change mitigation and Adaptation, Plant population genetics, Plant products, Epidemiology and Climate change.
Current Projects
LDC Initiative for Effective Adaptation & Resilience (LIFE-AR). LIFE- AR Program (Sub-group Chair). A project Implemented by the Ministry of Water and Environment to Develop effective & long-term climate adaptation interventions & delivering climate finance to local actors” 2022 to 2032
1. Mbatudde, M. (2022). Agribusiness Entrepreneurship projects among Ndejje University Students in Uganda.
2. E. Kizito & M. Mbatudde (2020). Family farming Innovations and Challenges in East and Southern Africa. Survey Report to RUFORUM A& Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO).
3. Mbatudde, M. (2014). Predictive spatial- temporal distribution of selected tree species and their current genetic diversity in East Africa. (Ph. D Thesis).
4. Mbatudde, M., Nyakaana, S., Ploß, S. & Dalitz, H. (2013). Genetic structure of Prunus africana Rosaceae (Hook.f.) Kalkm. in East Africa as inferred from Nuclear and Chloroplast DNA. African Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology 7 (1): 9-14 (Print ISSN 1752-3931).
5. Mbatudde Maria Consultancy CV September 2021 3 7. Mbatudde, M., Majaliwa, G., Eilu, G., Kakudidi, E. & Dalitz, H. (2013). Potential distribution of vulnerable Entandrophragma angolense (Welw.) C. DC. (Meliaceae) in East Africa. African Journal of Ecology, doi: 10.1111_aje.
6. Mbatudde, M., Mwanjololo, M., Kakudidi, E.K. & Dalitz, H. (2012). Modelling the potential distribution of Prunus africana (Hook.f.) Kalkm. in East Africa. African Journal of Ecology, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2028.2012.01327.x.
7. Mbatudde, M., Mucunguzi, P. and Lye, K. A. (2007). Diversity and distribution of Asteraceae along a rainfall gradient in Uganda. African Journal of Ecology, 45: 52– 56. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2028.2007.00738.x.
8. Mbatudde M. (2006); Cosmos Sulphureus L.; A new species in Uganda. Lidia; A Norwegian Journal of Botany. 11. Mbatudde, M., Mucunguzi, P. and Lye, K. A. (2007), Phenology of Asteraceae in selected districts of central Uganda. African Journal of Ecology, 45: 67–72. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2028.2007.00860