Dr Juliet Kyayesimira


Email: jkyayesimira@kyu.ac.ug


Phone: +256772307161/702557243


Dr Juliet Kyayesimira  is currently a Lecturer in the Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Kyambogo University.

She holds a PhD in Biology with a specialisation in microbiology and food safety from Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST) in Uganda. She also holds a Msc of Science in Biology (Natural Resources, Ecology & Conservation and Bachelor of Science with Education. She is currently a coordinator of the Msc Conservation and Natural Resources Conservation program run by the department of Biological Sciences.

Dr Juliet Kyayesimira has acquired a wide range of experience in several areas of research, graduate students’ supervision, mentorship and Project management and supervision.

Following her passion of graduate research and mentorship, Dr Juliet volunteers as a Managing Director Of Network for Education and Multidisciplinary Research Africa (NEMRA). NEMRA provides a platform for collaboration, networking and mutual support among academic researchers, postgraduate students and practitioners.

Over years, have been involved in conducting third-party monitoring and evaluation for Clean Cookstove and Biogas projects in Uganda. Additionally she is P-member of ISO/TC 285 and a project leader for Clean cookstoves and clean cooking solutions — Test protocols for institutional cookstoves.

She has vast experience in project design, proposal writing and report writing and has also worked with Center for Integrated Research and Community Development Uganda (CIRCODU).

Area of speciality:

  1. Natural resource conservation
  2. Plant taxonomy
  3. Microbiology (food safety)
  4. Renewable energy

Research Interests

  1. Botany particularly (ethnobotany,  indigenous knowledge in plants),
  2. Environment conservation & Ecology
  3. Wetlands ecosystems
  4. Renewable Energy
  5. Climate change
  6. Waste management
  7. Food safety & food value chain
  8. Microbiology
  9. One health

Current Projects

  1. Project title: ‘Developing Eco-friendly Packaging from Cassava Waste and other Biowastes in East Africa’ – Project Leader: Dr Juliet KyayesimiraLead organization: Kyambogo University

Other partners: Institute of Policy Analysis and Research (IPAR)- Rwanda

Funder: International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe) Bioresources Innovations Network for Eastern Africa Development Programme (BioInnovate Africa)

  1. Project title: ‘Development of governor’s plum (Flacourtia indica) herbal formulation for the management of microbial infections in humans’

Principal investigator: Dr Juliet Kyayesimira

Funder: Carnegie Corporation Of New York

  1. Project title: Vermicomposting and Bio-Briquetting: A Waste Management And Livelihood Improvement Approach

Principal investigator: Dr Juliet Kyayesimira

Funder: Kyambogo University


  1. Kyayesimira J, Muheirwe F .(2021) .Health concerns and use of biomass energy in households: voices of women from rural communities in Western Uganda. Energ Sustain Soc 11:42. https://doi.org/10.1186/ s13705-021-00316-2
  2. Kyayesimira J, Mawanda I, Andama M, Safari D .(2019). Studies on the utilization and proximate composition of wild Aframomum anguistifolium (sonn.) K. Schum fruits in Nakaseke district, Uganda. African J food Agric Nutr Dev 19:14790–14804. doi: 10.18697/ajfand.87.17605
  3. Kyayesimira, J., Rapheal, W., Rugunda, G. K., Bunny, L. J., Matofari, J. W., & Andama, M. (2019). Causes of losses and the economic loss estimates at post-harvest handling points along the beef value chain in Uganda. Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, 11(October), 176–183. https://doi.org/10.5897/JAERD2019.1074
  4. Kyayesimira J, Rugunda GK, Bunny LJ, Matofari JW .(2019). Compliance to Post-Harvest Handling Practices of Beef along the beef value chain in Uganda. J Nutr Weight Loss 4:1
  5. Kyayesimira, J., Ssemaganda, A., Muhwezi, G. and Andama, M. (2019). Assessment of Cadmium and Lead in Dried Sewage Sludge from Lubigi Feacal Sludge and Wastewater Treatment Plant in Uganda. Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 11, 690-699. doi: 10.4236/jwarp.2019.116040.
  6. Kyayesimira, J., Kagoro-Rugunda, G., Lejju, J.B., Andama, M., Matofari, J.W. and Nalwanga, R. (2018). “A pilot study on roles and operations of actors in the beef value chain in central and Western Uganda”, International Journal of Development and Sustainability, Vol. 7 No. 7, pp. 2063-2079.
  7. Kyayesimira Juliet & Lejju Bunny Julius. (2015). Vegetation regeneration of degraded Hilly areas of Rwampara, South Western Uganda, Academic Journals Vol 7(3) pp87-94, DOI: 10.5897/JENE 2015, 15.0508
  8. Stephen Harrell, Theresa Beltramo, Garrick Blalock, Juliet Kyayesimira, David I. Levine, Andrew M. Simons, .(2016). What is a “meal”? Comparative methods of auditing carbon offset compliance for fuel-efficient cookstoves, Ecological Economics 128 (2016) 8–16