Master of Public Health
This progromme is hosted by the Department of Biological Sciences
- Programme Overview
- Admission Requirements
- Programme Structure
- Learning Outcomes
- Career Prospects
- Fees Structure
This programme envisages producing re-trainable, skilled and well informed graduates who can operate in both local and global markets. The graduates from the programme provide a critically needed specialized human resource with advanced knowledge and skills in Public Health. Human capacity built addresses health promotion at community and policy levels.
Public health study field deals with the health of the community and aims to prevent diseases and manage them by organized actions based on sound information sources and education efforts. It deals with physical and mental health, social well-being improvement particularly in these areas such as waste disposal, water supply, food safety or water pollution.
Target group:
The applicants are expected to possess any of the following qualifications:
- A Bachelor’s degree in the Health Sciences such as Medicine (Human and Veterinary), Dentistry or Nursing, or any other health related field.
- A degree in Demography.
- A degree in the Biological Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Biology, Laboratory Sciences.
- A degree in Physical Sciences.
Program Duration: Two years
Programme Structure:
The minimum duration of the programme for a full time mode is two (2) academic years equivalent to four (4) semesters. A semester shall be seventeen (17) weeks with fifteen (15) weeks of lectures and two (2) weeks of examinations. Registered students for this mode shall be required to take all the ten (10) core courses amounting to 30 credit units and an elective course (track) of the three elective courses totalling Nine (9) credit units in the second semester of the first year. They will all be required to take one (1) compulsory research Methods course amounting to 4 credit units and carry out research and prepare a dissertation equivalent to 15 credit units in the second year. The background and /or interest of the student is used as criteria for choice of the elective to be studied.
Students of this mode will be expected to cover the courses by personally attending lectures (L), participating in seminars/ group discussions (S) carrying out Field/ laboratory practicals (P) and carry out the research ( R ) The maximum period to complete the programme by this mode shall be four (4) years from time of admission.
Career Prospects:
A research scientist at a university or a research institute
An adviser at governmental authorities (boards, ministries, districts, and municipalities)
Senior public health officer
Community health consultant /expert
Career Prospects:
A research scientist at a university or a research institute
An adviser at governmental authorities (boards, ministries, districts, and municipalities)
Senior public health officer
Community health consultant /expert
Access the approved fees structure from the main website. Please ensure to search and find this programme to view the fees.
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This programme aims to develop a high calibre of research and scientific manpower equipped with knowledge, skills, attitudes, values and commitment to serve in fields of research, industry, education and Biological Sciences related disciplines as well as leadership positions.